The first thing to note upon your arrival to this site is that we are unafraid to open our eyes and to value all credible sources of information whether via individuals, institutions, news outlets etc. It is when we close our eyes and minds to what is being said by, we enter a cult state of mind that is afraid to know the truth. THIS WEBSITE will set you FREE and you will become fearless in knowing the truth regardless of whether it comes from the left, the right, from above or below. As FOX anchor man Brett Baer says; fair, balanced and unafraid.
If you have forfeited your own opinions and put them in the hands of your preferred sources of information who are not just your guiding light but your “master” so-to-speak, a master whom you have willingly handed your soul to and given them the power that redirects your thinking and your actions. For example: can you recall what you thought -at the time- when you watched the news footage of the January 6th march on the capitol versus what you thought weeks later after the talking heads in various news outlets put their spin on it?
Have you watched the January 6th committee hearings and if not why not? Have you been encouraged not to watch and if so what would be the reason? A common practice of successful cults is their ability to get their followers to ignore and dismiss outside information mostly of course because the truth and accuracy of the information will discredit them. Good cult followers follow blindly and get deeply committed to their captors while simultaneously believing they are thinking and acting freely and independantly. Sad? For sure, but far more concerning is the fact that they don’t see themselves as being brainwashed by their own doing.
We Are the Saviours Of Union
We believe in detente and the idea that mutual interest are worthy of protection over the petty differences in our ideologies.
We are the saviours of the Union
We believe in a detente of sorts, the idea that mutual interests are worthy of protection over the petty differences in our ideologies. But there is this contradiction that our MAGA members gloss over. On the one hand, they say they are good Christians, god-fearing Christians and that the Christian teachings should be back in the schools not things like critical race theory. Well, we may be able to agree on the critical race theory but the founding fathers made it clear that there must remain an all-important separation of church and state. But the bigger concern is not any of these matters but rather the hate that is encouraged and practiced among these Christians who are ready to explode as it boils inside them fostering a will and intent to hurt our fellow Americans! You know, the ones who have fought on the battlefields alongside each other Republics and Democrats etc. so reliably and so heroically. These Christians now want to hurt and kill if necessary anyone who thinks differently? Wow, that is some kind of cherry-picking Christian practice. Sure the mob/mafia types do that all the time – “hey, it’s business.” Then they go to church on Sunday and occasionally go to confession, say a few hail mary’s and Badda-bing Badda-boo, they got a clean slate to go back out and do it all over again.